Thursday, 28 February 2019

Mindfulness - everywhere

I've been thinking about Mindfulness lately.  I've noticed it is everywhere at the moment.  Some friends are bravely undertaking the Michael Moseley "The Fast 800"  book challenge,  He strongly recommends meditation as one of the pillars of good health.
I love the "What I've Learned" channel on YouTube.  He says that meditation changes the default negative setting of your ever-chattering monkey mind and flexes your 'attention' muscle.

At Kali Gray's workshop last night, she talked about the skill of Mindful Eating.

One of my class members sent me the March Mindfulness Calendar.  It has a little thought for each day, which would provoke gratitude and being in the moment.
Woodford Folk Festival - noticing interesting stuff

My Food Culture

I went to an excellent workshop "Freedom from Dieting"  It was by "My Food Culture" Kali Gray.  It was full of fantastic ideas.  She is a professional, qualified, practising dietitian with some revolutionary ideas.
check it out in the link below:-

I wish everyone could have heard her presentation.