Friday, 31 December 2021

The Stack Sit - Habit of the Week - HOW


You know that I am a  "posture tragic"..  Like a cricket tragic, but much more interesting. At the beginning of 2020, I was trained in the Gokhale method.  My sister-in-law just showed me some Alexander Technique postures and poses.  It is very similar.  

Here is a link to a short video featuring Esther Gokhale, herself.  

Esther Gokhale Stack Sit

I can recommend the training.  It is thorough and interesting.  If you are interested, let me know and I will forward information about training dates in 2022.  

Meanwhile, she has also given a TED talk.  It is well worth a watch. Here is the link:-

www.Ted Talk

Habit of the Week 

Sit at the front of a dining chair in a stack sit pose.