Sunday, 23 June 2013

Nac Pfi the home stretch final assessment appointment times

Hi Folks,
The lovely Jacky, the physio is back home and is ready for action tomorrow.  Here are the appointment times.


10 am

Dan and Fay
10.30 am

Fred and Norma
11 am


Mary Claire


Saturday, 22 June 2013

On you tube - Nac pfi

The nutrtionistas have prepared the video application for the funding for the Promoting functional independence (pfi) smart phone app. 

Here is the link which is a good summary of our group's work.  Just click onto the link and check it out:


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Nac Pfi Life Tec Visits

 Thanks Life Tec, and Anne Livingstone for a great day. Great to see Maggie from the Sandgate Sandbags and the nutritionistas, Claire and Laura.  Great turn out by the NAC PFI group.  I visited, too, but all by myself. The Life Tec centre is very impressive.  It dominates the skyline like a big cathedral. Jean took me around and I was able to ask Katie, the OT, questions on behalf of my dad.

I liked the kitchen, the large print screen, the office gear, the lounge chair. My favourite thing was the handle for the vacuum cleaner.  It allows a person to stand up straighter so its easier on the wrist and on the back.

Life Tec's great skyline - within the shopping complex and set against the hills of Newmarket

Inclusive, funky signage. 

Jean our guide in the "happening" smart kitchen

Dan, Carol, Claire and Jean the finer points

Mary Clare, Fay, Norma, Althea, hands on, in the kitchen  Laura, Fred in the background

Jean demonstrating one of the many handy kitchen gadgets - an opening ceremony

My favourite things - the kettle and

 the gardening gear, I would say that.

who would have thought a toilet would be so interesting? -  At Life Tec, Yes.

Jean in the smart kitchen - the class in rapt attention, Norma, Althea

Life Tec's clever bed

Close inspection by Dan and Carol and Claire

I love this kitchen, so many smart ideas

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Great Nutrtion Ideas

Here is a great web link for fantastic healthy grain recipes.  The New York Times, Health Pages. It is well worth a look.  I have set up a link:-

Nutrionistas are here


Nutrition Students from University are undertaking a six week practical training at Nundah Activity Centre.
Their activities include:-
  •  Visiting each member of our group to discuss healthy nutrition
  • Accompanying the group on its visit to the LifeTec centre
  • Delivering lectures and cooking demonstrations to our PFI group as well as to the respite group.