Sunday, 26 July 2020

An idea from Japan to Manage stress Shinrin-Yoku Words of Wisdom - Wow

The physio from
Shinrin-Yoku, Japanese Forest Bathing.  It was an idea to help me manage my shoulder 
pain, when it was quite acute. The idea is that being in a forest, is like meditation. 
It quietens down the stress associated with pain.  Here are the basics. 

Forest bathing basics

  • Find a suitable place that's easy and pleasant to walk on, has places to sit, and ideally with access to natural waterways and different aspects. It also helps if it's close to home.
  • On arrival, notice the place you are in, notice your body, and tune in to your senses.
  • Walk slowly with steady step-by-step pace, while silently noticing what is in motion in the forest. If you start to feel distracted or rushed, come to a complete halt.
  • Make friends with the forest. Notice the trees, stones, plants and flowers. Listen to the forest. Let the natural world make an impression on your mind.
  • Sit down. Find a comfortable place to sit, staying still for up to 20 minutes, cultivating awareness.
  • Give back. Quietly acknowledge everything the forest gives you.

Source: The Nature and Forest Therapy Association

Don't you just love it?

1 comment:

  1. Always works for me. A friend studying country used to sit for 4 hours in the same spot on top of a particular hill once a week, and really absorb the land and all in it. My attention span not quite that evolved, but being still in nature always fills me..Thanks for this, Ann.
