Saturday, 18 June 2022

Habit of the Week - Put your head on top of your body


Our heads are very heavy. Even heavier when we look down. When we have our head forward or buried in a phone, we can't see our periphery very well either.  Mary Bond says watching for the bigger picture improves our posture and helps make us be more creative. 

Here is an update of a previous blog post.   

The Guardian , 25th November 2014 had a great article :- " Tech Neck,  How smart phones are damaging our spines".

We now know that "tech neck" gives us a pad of fat just below the neck, as well as the headaches and back aches between the shoulder blades.   Head forward posture is the gift that keeps on giving.  No thanks.

Here's the graphic from the article:- sorry about the pounds.

Posture Ideas from Mary Bond

"The New Rules of Posture: How to Sit Stand and Walk - Talks at Google  - Mary Bond"

"Pandiculation -Most mammals do this 50 times a day. We feel a little sheepish doing this in public"

It is the stretch and the tension at the same time.  Mary suggests we probably do some form of this when we wake up.  I have this combination when I yawn. It does feels good.

Another interesting thought from Mary Bond:-  Our periphery.  

Those human ancestors of ours had to forage and hunt. So we are very good at regarding the periphery while we do another task.  For instance, unlike the famously clumsy Gerald Ford, we can walk and chew gum at the same time.  Or we can easily walk AND talk. Mary says when we take in our wider horizon, even while we look at the mobile, we are more creative.  

Micro movements

Discover what these movements in the "Google Talk".  Here is the link