Sunday, 15 September 2024

Nothing Much Happens - Bedtime Stories to help you Sleep

Nothing Much Happens is a collection of cosy episodes, beautifully described.   They are simple stories - gently told.  I remember that I loved these episodes and I would listen to them whenever I woke up in the night, if I felt a bit overwound. 

I still have it in my Audible Library and I just checked - it is in Spotify, too.  I'll be having another listen tonight, as a bedtime treat.

It was a friend who reminded me, today. Her doctor prescribed listening to "Nothing Much Happens" instead of taking sleeping medication. 

I'm impressed.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

It's Time


It is time.  I will be finishing the Sandgate class at the end of the year. 

Meanwhile, class members are already fantastic. They understand the exercises and the reasons to exercise. I enjoy exercising together with class members   They're so highly motivated to come to class and to pay, thanks.

I have equipped them with fitness knowledge, vocab, and skills, so they have options to continue exercising: -

·        Online with me

·        At Petrie with Carol

·        The gym down the road.

·        Or maybe Bruce  - a possibility I am chasing up


I must admit, a very important part of our class is the chat we have before and after class.  I look forward to this time we have together. Coffee could continue across the road at 10.00am. As well, I would like to keep in touch, regularly, let’s have a coffee together or a lunch.

It is time for me to retire. 

Mulberry Jam

 What a great crop of mulberries!

I looked up this recipe for Lyn next door.  Meanwhile, I am spreading out mulberries on a baking tray and putting them into the freezer.  As soon as they are frozen, I can put them into a freezer bag or tupperware. This means I can have berries on porridge all year round.  

I would bet that mulberries are just as beneficial as blueberries and they taste better, in my opinion.

Meanwhile here is the recipe

Mulberry Jam


350 gms – 2 ½ cups mulberries cleaned
300 – 1 ½ cups sugar
½ tbsp lemon juice b


Mix the mulberries, lemon juice, and sugar in a pot.
Cook, stirring, for about 20 to 30 minutes or until thick.
While the jam is cooking, put a small plate in the freezer.
After 20 minutes, when the jam appears like it is beginning to gel, it is ready to bottle

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Carol's Class

 Carol Birch teaches a mighty fine class.  I am always happy for her to fill in for me.   I have no hesitation in recommending her class to any current or former class members.


FRIDAY at 9.30am


Thursday, 5 September 2024

So Silly, So Funny, So correct.....In the stars?

 Here is a ridiculous astrology column.... It is an oldie, but it has completely labelled me correctly.   Aries the Ram.

"It's time.  You no longer need to listen to focus groups or pretend to obey consensus reality.

Macho Mars - your sponsor planet  - is in Aries!  That's right! You get to make the trains run on time, or whatever the Ramzilla issue de jour. 

Stop pretending that you actually relax via relaxation.  Couch life and cocooning are simply not your thing.  Artistically, the muse has alighted.  You realized your Self yonks ago.  Now you've got to realize everybody else's selves."

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Stiff Hips, OUCH

 As you may know, if you come to class, I have very tight hips.  So when I drive to town -  around about about a 90 minute drive. -  I am so stiff that I struggle to walk.  

Here is a clever hack.... It really worked for me. You can do it now, while you read this.  While seated, hips and knees at  an angle of 90 degrees  press your feet into the floor.  This may cause you to rise up a little.  You are contracting hamstrings and glut muscles.  They are at the back.  In the car, they can't normally move because we are sitting on them. However when we clench these muscles we are contracting them.

I tried this on the way to Brisbane I did about ten repetitions through the drive and voila, the stiffness of my hips reduced by half and I could walk normally.  

I'm so excited by the result, I recommend it in class - Habit of the Week. 

A helpful path through anxiety

 There is an excerpt from ABC's" Life Matters" program.  It was recommended by Sue.  Here is the link.

It charts an interesting way to regard anxiety - a fresh way to understand the brain.  This is a look at the right hemisphere of the brain.   This session is only 21 minutes  - wow, I am ready to buy the book.

Thanks, Sue.