Saturday, 3 December 2016

Mobilize and Stretch, Habit of the Week, HOW

Each week we try one thing.  One small practice to implement. It is like homework.  And the more you practise the easier it gets.

This week's habit is to mobilise and stretch your joints.  This is a beneficial, especially if you sit for prolonged periods, commuting, or computing, driving, studying, sewing or doing that cryptic crossword.

As we grow tired and stiffen up, pain may overtake us. One way to alleviate the pain of stiffness, in say, neck, shoulders, or back is to do small semi circular movements of the shoulders, and ribs. These movements bring extra blood flow to the area and can help stimulate joint fluid.  And ah! we feel better.

An example may include shrugging the shoulders, or hands on the shoulders and draw circles with our elbows.  Lengthen the back of our necks and gently turn our head from side to side.
And, of course, stretching.
Three big stretches stand out, i.e. most bang for your buck.  
One of the most valuable stretch is the calf muscle stretch.
Secondly, the hamstring stretch
Thirdly, the deep hip stretch.

We talked about these in class, we do them every week.  They keep hips, knees and backs healthy and in the case of the calf muscle help to restore chronically tight muscles, and thus help our feet and knees.

Habit of the week, Stretching and mobilising,  Big impact, little effort.

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