Thursday, 18 April 2019

Boston, the birthplace of the nation

The finish line of the Boston Marathon
What a contrast between Viva Las Vegas and Boston Massachusetts. Las Vegas is all style, no substance, everything your eye falls upon in Las Vegas is a  "construct" either to put visitors in a party mood, or to extract money. 

Whereas Boston is all substance, and very understated. It was cold and windy.  Maximum 4 degrees celsius.  It is the windiest city in USA.   Turns out that Chicago is only "windy" because of all the hot air.   The Boston buildings are solid and beautiful, and old.  It was one of the first settlements of the English.  The American revolution was plotted there and many of the founding fathers lived there.  We went on a walking tour of the city, which included Boston Common and State Street, the Old English church, Benjamin Franklin's resting place and so many really interesting stories.  Our guide was an excellent story teller, but could not understand our accents.

We went to a grand concert. Dido and Aeneas, the Purcell opera. It was held in Jordan Hall a sumptuous Concert Hall.  Wow, Bostonians love their music.  It was a full house, the performance was magnificent.  We were able to walk to the venue. 

The children of Boston designed the characters on this merry-go-round.  Guess what?  No horses.
Edgar Allen Poe

This represents the arrival of the Irish during the Potato Famine Period- The small hunched over sculpture is the family as they were when they arrived.  The statue on the left is the same family, after settling in America- hale and hearty

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