Monday, 14 December 2020

Spread your dots - Expand the triangle of joy. Habit of the Week

One way to check your posture is to open up the collar bone area.  It is easy.  Just imagine three dots:-

  •     One at the front of each shoulder
  •     One at the base of your sternum - the lowest part of your breastbone.

Once you have located these three sites, seek to expand the triangle they form. This automatically puts your neck, and therefore your head in the right place. 

As well, it is a positive stance, uplifted. Like putting a smile on your body.

The benefits

As well as the visual appeal, there are physiological benefits as well.  By lifting and expanding the upper part of the chest, the diaphragm is no longer compressed so it can move freely.  This matters to our new nasal breathing, wherein our diaphragm moves efficiently to allow for easier, more efficient breathing. I hope you are breathing through your nose right now.  There is also less pressure on the spine in the midback.  Our digestive organs are not compressed.

Meanwhile, this is an excellent habit we can implement on the way to Christmas day.  Every time you think of it expand that triangle of dots.  You will be retraining those muscles.  Our body adapts to the load we give it, so this uplifted posture will begin to feel quite normal - our default setting.

So Christmas day we will make a spectacular entrance.  We look younger, slimmer and smarter with our triangle of joy expanded. 

So spread your dots.     START RIGHT NOW

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