Friday, 13 August 2021

Better Walking - Try Rucking - Habit of the Week - HOW

 An easy way to boost your walk is to carry are knapsack on your back*

In the fitness industry, it is called "Rucking" named after the rucksack.

It has been a tried and true fitness regime, lots of research has been done in the military.  We know what is the optimum weight we should carry, which allows people to train maximally training WITHOUT injury.

Rucking is the best of both worlds.  I have heard it described as a cardiovascular exercise for those who don't like running AND a resistance workout for those who dislike the gym. It is good for the posture.  We strengthen those postural muscles.

Humankind has been a hunter/gatherer. So men had to carry what they hunted and women had to carry what they gathered. We were designed to walk a long way and to carry stuff home. I have heard of people wearing weighted vests to spread the load and put force through the bones. Great.  I think a good backpack preferably with a waist belt would do very well.  

Importantly don't load up with too much. Start with a light load the first week or so and enjoy walking a little straighter. Then as you get used to it add some weight.  The USA army reckons not more than 50lbs.  Gosh.

*We discussed Rucking in the Sandgate class on Tuesday and ended up singing the "Happy Wanderer".  

  Not your everyday class

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