Saturday, 23 July 2022

Emergency plus App - uses What3Words


“Emergency Plus” App

At a recent First Aid course, I learnt about a new method of precisely determining a location. 

Emergency Plus App - uses what 3 words

The entire map of Australia has been divided into a map of 3-metre grid squares.  Each square has been allocated three words. So, it is possible to navigate precisely to, say, our lounge room, our front gate or the north western corner of our backyard. These each have a discreet three-word label.

This is a plus for a groups who exercise or walk together.  If an ambulance or police are needed, tell the operator the three words and, say, the ambulance will know precisely where to go.  This means there is no need to send somebody to the front to wave them down.

For example, the back entrance to the Sandgate Town Hall – I’ve just looked it up is "seated-detail-libraries"

Here is the link:-

It was suggested, at the First Aid course, that at a workplace, the three words could be posted, up on a wall, in plain sight.

Meanwhile, don’t take my word for it.  Look up “” for yourself. You could try finding your own front door. It's fun.

While you are at it – why not download the Emergency Plus app on your phone. Especially helpful if you do a lot of highway driving or bush walking  It gives easy access to the emergency services, without the need of typing in numbers.  Just hit the icon.

You can share your location using the three words. 

ps I've just received good feedback. If you are short on time, go directly to the Playstore and get the App....Emergency Plus.  It is easy to operate.

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