Sunday, 17 July 2022

What I am reading

 Winter time is indoor time.

Here is a random list of my activities:-

What I am reading:-

Now that I am no longer physically and mentally preparing for a Federal election, I have stopped reading my newspapers so much - Though the New York Times is still a thrill.

I am reading "Still Life" by Sarah Winman.  I love travelling to Italy with all its little quirks and its big art. This book is like a fairy tale for Italianophiles like me.  I love "Ciao Bella" by Katie Langbroek, too.  I don't want it to end. So I am dreaming about a trip to Italy next year.  Vorrei andare in Italia.

I am singing:-

"Ombra Mai Fu" in other words, Handel's Largo. And in choir "This is me"

I am listening to:-

Andrew Huberman's podcast.  He is a Neurobiologist and Opthamologist at Stanford.  His Huberman Lab Podcasts are worth a listen. Here is a link:-

What I am growing:-

What a summer we had! Or didn't have!  So much has gone wrong, weather-wise, that I am humbled by the failure of the plants - I'm licking my wounds a little. I am preparing to plant the Ranunculus for spring and summer flowers.  I am watching my broccoli very closely.  It is so cold, here that it is all growing very slowly. 

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