Tuesday, 28 March 2023

I love Stick Mobility

 Hi fellow travellers,

I am forwarding some publicity from Stick Mobility.  I have done the training courses, myself. The ideas are numerous and it is a really great workout.  I would recommend it.  In fact, I love it.

Stick Mobility
Stick Mobility
Find a Trainer
Ten Benefits of Training with Stick Mobility
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Sunday, 26 March 2023

Relief for a sore hip

 I enrolled in a posture workshop, while I was "suffering" sore hip. The workshop was about how to reverse the slumping shuffling, etc of ageing posture.    And Esther Gokhale, advocated stretch sitting as a way to feel traction in the spine while sitting.   Sure enough, it really helped my sore hip to lift up out of my hips.  I even organized the right chair to sit in.  It has a backrest at exactly the right level.    Here is a link to a video. 

stretch sitting video    https://gokhalemethod.com/video/stretchsitting

I have been seeking to walk around - lifting up out of my hips and I found that I can stack my posture better, i.e., keep my shoulders in place and keep my head up, easily.

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Sandgate Class.. Well done, everyone

The Sandgate class on Tuesday 28th was a circuit class.  I was just back from injury.  I was taking it easy, trying not to aggravate an injury.   So with everyone's assistance,  I only did about 30 seconds of the set up.  Thanks to all those who helped.

Secondly, the class went so smoothly.  Everyone was attentive and quiet enough to hear the directions and join in the spirit of the class.  👏  Thanks also to Pop and the grandson who carried all the gear, and bits and pieces up those steps.

Same again next Tuesday.


 This is the previous blog post 27th February.  I realized, in the middle of the night, that I wrote that I am in rehab.

Whoops.  I am not in a facility withdrawing from some substance.  I meant that I was undergoing rehabilitation therapy with the doctor and the physiotherapist.   Here is the offending paragraph:-

"I am in rehab from an injury.  I am in the rest phase, or the "unload" phase.  So I have to curtail activities for another week.  I am following orders and doing the physiotherapy exercises - I do not wish to do harm.  However, I am an advocate of exercise.   I like to discuss the every-increasing number of benefits of exercise for the mind, body and spirit.  So, while I am behaving myself, in the back of my mind, I am concerned with getting my fitness back, so I don't lose those benefits.  Yikes, even, the immune system is enhanced with exercise.  My mood is better on the days I exercise. As I am ageing, I am keen to be strong, keep flexible, keep mobile, and generally, keep up."

Tee Hee

Some good news

 We just watched Australian Story on ABC  IView.  What a fantastic story.  This guy, Saul Griffith,  is a tinkerer and a pretty good communicator. He has been figuring out.solutions to climate change.  

It was great to see a "good news" story for a change.
\Don's comment   "Good on him"