Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Do yourself a favour

 As Molly Meldrum would say "Do yourself a Favour" and watch Michael Mosley's Super Agers on SBS.

So many ideas are very practical.  Those individuals he meets are inspirational. 

HOWEVER,  Here is an important warning.  There is no need for the likes of us to be hoping on one foot.  The stars on that show who hopped were a part of an experiment.  They were comparing one active leg with the other inactive leg.   We are not part of an experiment, while the jumping and landing IS beneficial hoping is too much.  I would recommend standing with a chair nearby and trying a few jumps - both feet - while lightly holding on to the chair.  

Please, do watch Michael Mosley, Wednesday nights, SBS.

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Shoulder News

I love the Gokhale method.  I have done some intensive training in this method when I went to Tasmania just before the Covid lockdowns.

So this story makes sense to me. For me, having good posture is very important to managing this injury.  My quick rule of thumb is 

Head forward posture hurts my shoulder.  So when I had a frozen shoulder, and my shoulder ached I would check on the position of my head and sure enough, I would pull my head in and get some relief. Good health all starts from good posture

Here is the link to the article:-


Quinoa cooked properly

Hello fellow health-nuts,

Last night I watched Helen Rennie's video on Cooking Quinoa  - "Why restaurant Quinoa is so much better!"

So I tried it out today    WoW.

Of course, I will take full credit for how this turned out.  

This will be on regular rotation at our place.  It will be a way of added more whole plant foods to our diet.  Game Changer

Here is the link:-


Why not give it a go?