Saturday, 20 April 2013

Full Cream Milk May Offer Protection from Cardiovascular Disease

Some class members tipped me off to this study from our own Queensland Institute of Medical Research QIMR.
This was a large study nearly 1,600 people, which looked at people for 14 years.  The conclusion was that consumption of full cream dairy milk did not predict premature death from heart disease, in fact the contrary.  Full cream dairy may offer protection.
In my opinion, the more "whole" the food is, the better.  The more we mess about with food the more we miss out on micro nutrients and enzymes, which we don't yet understand.

So here is the QIMR media release in full:-

Full-fat dairy not responsible for heart attack deaths

A new Australian study has found that eating full-fat dairy may reduce the risk of cardiovascular-related death.

Dr Jolieke van der Pols from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) said this is a surprising but not unfounded result.

“There are other studies that suggest that certain fats in dairy may be protective for cardiovascular disease (CVD),” said Dr van der Pols from QIMR’s Cancer and Population Studies Group.

“We found that people with the highest intake of full-fat dairy had 70% less chance of death by heart disease or stroke than those who had the lowest intake of full-fat dairy.”

“It is possible that milk fat may contain nutrients that counteract the expected negative effects of the saturated fat in dairy products.”

Scientists surveyed more than 1,500 Australians about their dairy intake over 16 years and found total intake of dairy products was not associated with cardiovascular death.

The study also found that total dairy intake had no correlation to death due to cancer or overall risk of death.

The paper will be published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and is available online.Journal article on Full cream dairy milk 

There is more

In addition, more than ten years ago, Readers Digest had an article,which a client brought in to show me.  This article indicated that the consumption of full cream milk may mean that people consume fewer calories overall.  The idea was that consumption of full cream milk is more satisfying and increases the time in which you feel full,  so few calories are consumed

Don't get me started

The difference between margarine and butter.  There is no comparison between the whole food, butter, and margarine. What do they have to do to make a plant into a solid product.  David Gillespie, of "Sweet Poison" fame has written about good oils.  He is saying that we should fussier about the oils we eat.  He does not recommend oil from seed, like canola.
This ties in with my previous post about what is the actual step by step cause of the blockage of the coronary arteries. - see the post  -  04/04.13

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