Thursday, 9 March 2017

Move more, hospital less

Newcastle University has conducted an interesting study which shows that middle aged people can reduce their number days in hospital by walking a little extra.

Not even the famous 10,000 steps are required

Researchers showed in a commendabley long study that, in middle aged people,  increasing the number of steps per day from 4,500 to 8,300 hospital stays were reduced between 4% and 8%. And even 1000 extra steps were shown accrue some benefit.

The study was able to be carried out for such a long period of time that participants' data was collected after the first two years elapsed. This interval removed  any short term benefits from the exercise itself and so researchers were able to look at really long term benefits.

Yeah but!
And there's always a "but" the most benefit, naturally accrued to the least active person. It makes sense:- a marathon runner is not going to be benefitting in any meaningful way from a few thousand extra steps.

Every step counts - the good news

Walking out to the letterbox, going to class, even a gentle class is more than 3,000 steps. Also aqua aerobics counts. You can even sneak in a few steps while waiting for the bus, standing in one place,  just shift your weight from one foot to the other. No one will even notice.

Here's the rub. We can't afford not to exercise

Exercise trends come and go, exercise theories come and go, but the benefits are real and measurable for the individual and for society.

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