Tuesday, 29 September 2020

KIdney Health

 Last week, coincidentally, two people spoke about kidney health.  It got me thinking about drinking - water, that is. 

I have tracked down the ABC radio program that was drawn to my attention. It is pretty comprehensive, well worth a listen. Search for this link:-


(you to need to click this  then click redirect)

I did some digging of my own and looked at my nutrition bible Rosemary Stanton's "Eating for Peak Performance"

She talks about the "Odium of Sodium"

One of the kidney's jobs is to control the amount of sodium in the body.  Sodium being an essential mineral.  She says if we eat  a salty meal. we excrete more sodium and if we say, sweat too much, the kidneys simply re-absorb a little more sodium.  

"The kidneys are perfectly capable of cutting down on the amount lost in urine.  The big problem is disposing of excess."  We eat between 10 and 20 times too much.

So, in excess, salt levels can affect blood pressure and other organs such as your liver. 


The second kidney conversation happened with someone with a case of renal failure, albeit a slow decline.

She is putting the two litres of water on the bench where she can see it.  

Great Idea.

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