Sunday, 13 September 2020

Let's take the weight off and think about sitting down..


This is part one of a whole lot of sitting down.

Here is the link to a great Radio National program about sitting:-

Let's sit up - the stack sit. A handy way to sit if there is no  back rest on your chair.

Here is how.  

  • Sit at the front of the chair or bench
  • Sit with your "behind" behind you.
  • Arrange your spine so that your alignment is a vertical line.  The 'J' spine. not the 'S'
   For me, I  have  a sway in my back, so this means I must imagine a bar across my lower ribs to cancel the sway. 
The top of the ribs, the collarbone, gently  rolls upward
This all allows the neck to be in neutral and the head is free to move.

Let's lean back into the stretch sit, it is a yummy back massage.

  • Sit back in the chair,
  • 'Behind' behind, but lean back - you may need cushions or the ball here.
  • Using arm strength, grab the chair lift your upper body forward
  • Keep hold of the chair
  • Scoop backwards with your upper body onto the cushion or ball
  • Hook yourself there,
  • Relax your back.  You are stretch sitting.

I'll show you the stretch sit in next week's classes


  1. Love this one Annie. Am stretching right now.

    1. It is exciting that just changing one thing can impact our day. Like that book you bought me.
