Friday, 22 May 2015

Take note of your sitting time - Habit of the Week.

I came across an article about the dangers of sitting down each day for prolonged period.  Thanks Ted.  There is a one minute video clip on the link, very succinct and well worth a look.
Here is the link:-a "" Article about sitting

The article explains that sitting for eleven hours a day has significant negative effects on health compared to sitting for, say,  four hours a day.  The article says the risk of death is 40 per cent greater for those who sit eleven hours a day.  The article lists many conditions exacerbated because of prolonged sitting, the metabolism of blood sugar, cholesterol, postural problems, breathing and back pain and even disease states, like cancer. yikes.

My first impression was that I could not imagine sitting for eleven hours. But wait a minute, one day per week, I commute for nearly four hours, add a couple of hours watching TV and eating meals coffee breaks and meeting people. There is not much change out of seven hours and I don't have a sedentary job.  Eleven hours would be easy, if you worked behind a desk.

A few years ago, I had a small injury to my tailbone and it really hurt to sit for more than about 15 minutes.  So okay, I stood up a lot:-  I watched TV standing, go visiting friends and asked permission to stand, in waiting rooms I would choose to stand.  I felt silly, but guess what.    I lost a kilogram that year. Ha.

Hipsters are installing standing desks.  I am thinking about it for my new office, too... oh no... Am I a hipster?  No, I think you need a beard..

Our Posture Can Affect our Mood

What happens when we do sit down after hard exercise or hard work.  Do we slump into the chair as if we have been defeated, with a deep sigh, head bowed. This may leave a psychological imprint of the physical activity we have just done, which is negative.  It may mean that we perceived ourselves as a victim because of hard physical activity.  I say no, it does not kill us to move about, it makes us stronger.  So let us sit triumphantly. Our sweat is a badge of honour.

Habit of the week - Take notice of your sitting hours, and when you do, sit triumphantly.

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