Sunday, 31 May 2020

How does our environment affect our habit practice?

The posture habits build up, week by week. And just like our balance practice, our posture practice improves imperceptibly, but improves, nonetheless.

This week for a change, let's look at the times when we are neither practising our habit of the week nor doing exercise.  

Does the chair you are sitting in right now contribute to or impede your posture habit?
When you sit in a chair, is your behind behind you or is  tail tucked under?
When you walk through a storm do you hold your head up high?  Just checking to see if you are awake.....and below is a link to a great video clip 

You can modify your furniture with cushions or a towel so that your spine is lengthened, and not collapsed. For example, at the end of the day,* if I am relaxing in the lounge I need two cushions to elongate my spine while I lean back and a footrest to stop me sliding downwards. It works for me. Now, how about you?  Can you choose a better seat for yourself at the dining table or lounge?

Secondly, you can modify the way you sit or stand, for that matter. When the spine is stretched long and all our "building blocks" are stacked up, circulation of the blood and lymph system can flow freely, like a gentle massage.  

Bravo to you when you do your posture Habit of the Week, 100 times a day.  The body does adapt to the load we give it. However, let's not undo all that good stuff by slumping in the chair....
The wind will change and you'll stay that way........

*"At the end of the day there's a golden sky" here is the link:-

You'll never walk alone. Captain Tom Moore walked to raise money for the UK's NHS


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