Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Pull your posture up - from your bootstraps Habit of the week HOW

We have three arches in each foot. We can lose touch with those arches for many  reasons.  Our lovely shoes, soft carpeted floors, sitting all day may lead to lack of use of the arches of our feet. By the way, if you want to try the activity, it is helpful to take your shoes off.
We can re-ignite those arches by making our foot into a kidney bean-shape. Here is how. 

First, let's focus on the right foot. 

Start with your feet parallel, then shift the weight forward onto the ball of your foot
Keep the weight there and swivel your heal inwards a little.
Feel the tension through the foot and the lower leg.

Repeat on the left foot.

Now both.
Feel free to relax those muscles, between practices: - stamping your feet or marching on the spot will get blood flowing. 

Have another go
Sense how these activated muscles boost our posture.  Our strength and power radiate upwards, assisting all our postural cues.  

So arches switch on, 
Draw up the golden thread
Open the upper chest triangle, spread your dots
Melt your shoulders down the back
Angle the chin downward with a lengthened neck.

To picture a kidney bean-shaped foot, think, of a chubby baby's foot, or a grizzly bear's foot.
As easier starting place - curling your toes under - that will give you the vibe.

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